Trustee Ministry

FAIth & WOrks: ONe Cannot be without the other - James 2:15-18

Working with Pastor the Trustee Ministry has the general responsibility for the custody, maintenance, operation and intelligent use of all the temporalities and property, real or personal, belonging to the Church corporation and revenues therefrom in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Church, and is subject of laws of the State of New York. The Trustee Ministry's responsibilities include and not limited to:

  1. Responsibility for the physical maintenance and supervision of the real estate owned by the Church and the physical equipment therein. They will implement any urgently needed repairs involving cost, subject to Church approval at board meetings. They will plan and implement any needed repairs and supervise the cleanliness and upkeep of all Church properties.

  2. Supervision of all investments and insurance coverage of the Church. To review the portfolio at various intervals for the purpose of making recommendations to the Church for increased insurance or investment.

  3. In consultation with the Pastor make recommendations to the Church in respect to compensation, working conditions, job description, employment and termination of services for members of the secretarial and custodial staff, service employees such as repairmen, contractors and part-time help.

  4. Will have two representatives (the Trustee Chairperson and one other) on the budget committee to develop an annual budget for recommendation to the Church at the annual corporate meeting. They shall also have the oversight of all spending to ascertain that the budget is adhered to. Any expenditures beyond the budgeted amounts must be cleared by the Pastor, Deacons and trustee. They will further insure that adequate financial records are kept by all auxiliaries and the Church Financial Secretary.

  5. Shall consider the request from individuals or groups desiring to use the church facilities in consultation with the Pastor. Their consideration shall include: Purpose, dates, times, responsibility of opening and locking facilities, contribution if any and custodial requirements. 

Matthew 25:14-28

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